Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Platstic Surgery bugs me a lot....

... First... I don't mind the little touch-up things... or even some botox although I think that's kind of weird. And if I get enough donations I might even do some freshening up...

But when I see someone on TV and
it looks like the only instructions they gave to their plastic (Fabulous turn of a phrase, by the way) surgeon was "Photoshop me!" I take umbrage.

And that's when I head to my fave site for checking them kinds of t
hangs out. Awful Plastic Surgery

Remember Gilligan's Island? Remember the Ginger vs. Maryann controversy? Who was prettier? It's moot.

Awful Plastic Surgery says:

Tina Louise played sexpot Ginger on Gilligan’s Island about 40 years ago. She tries to look as if she has not aged a day since, but it is not working at all. After so many surgeries to tighten, lift, peel, and hold back aging skin, Tina kinds looks like a burn victim. Her birth date is 1930-something and she definitely looks every day of it. When you’re 70, you can’t tighten your way back to 35; it is just not possible and very damaging when attempted.

Tina looks like someone to me... At first I thought it was Skeletor but I looked up pics of Skeletor and it's not... Leave me a comment who this looks like... PLEASE! Or it's going to drive me crazy all day.

********* UPDATE ***********
One vote for Mrs. Bates - Norman's Mother

If you're wondering what Dawn Wells has been up too:

And when she's not working with vegetables (and I don't mean The View):

And speaking of Mrs. Howell who w
as in her 60's when the show was shooting...

She looked rockin' good in her 60's...

1 comment:

  1. Tina Louise reminds me of Mother Bates from Psycho.
